Meaning of Life –






Życie polega głównie na tym, żeby znaleźć się na czas tam, gdzie cię oczekują.

More Reflections on the Meaning of Life – David Friend
More Reflections on the Meaning of Life/ Autor: David Friend

Album w języku angielskim Wydawca Little Brown & Company, 1992

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Język: angielski.

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Książka po angielsku The Purpose Driven Life Rick Warren bestseller
Sprzedam używaną książkę w języku angielskim.

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A #1 New York Times bestseller, The Purpose Driven Life will help you understand why you are alive and reveal God's amazing plan for you both here and now, and for eternity. Rick Warren will guide you through a personal forty-day spiritual journey that will transform your answer to life's most important question: What on earth am I here for? Knowing God's purpose for creating you will reduce your stress, focus your energy, simplify your decisions, give meaning to your life, and most important, prepare you for eternity.

Movie stars and political leaders aren't the only ones turning to Rick Warren for spiritual guidance. Millions of people from NBA and LPGA players to corporate executives to high school students to prison inmates meet regularly to discuss The Purpose Driven Life.

książka "Joni" Joni Eareckson (ang.)

by Joni Eareckson

rok wydania - 1980

ilość stron - 212

format - 17cmx10cmx1,5cm

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At seventeen, Joni Eareckson suffered a diving accident that left her totally paralyzed from the neck down. The story of her struggle to accept and adjust to her handicap and find meaning in life is told in this unforgettable autobiography.


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The latest installment of this trusted literary companion covers all aspects of literary theory, from definitions of technical terms to characterizations of literary movements. Geared toward students, teachers, readers, and writers alike, The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory explains critical jargon (intertextuality, aporia), schools of literary theory (structuralism, feminist criticism), literary forms (sonnet, ottava rima), and genres (elegy, pastoral) and examines artifacts, historic locales, archetypes, origins of well-known phrases, and much, much more. Scholarly, straightforward, comprehensive, and even entertaining, this is a resource that no word-lover should be without.

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5.Donald Keene-Japanese literature

Perhaps no one is more qualified to write about Japanese culture than Donald Keene, considered the leading interpreter of that nation's literature to the Western world. The author, editor, or translator of nearly three dozen books of criticism and works of literature, Keene now offers an enjoyable and beautifully written introduction to traditional Japanese culture for the general reader.

The book acquaints the reader with Japanese aesthetics, poetry, fiction, and theater, and offers Keene's appreciations of these topics. Based on lectures given at the New York Public Library, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the University of California, Los Angeles, the essays -though written by a renowned scholar- presuppose no knowledge of Japanese culture. Keene's deep learning, in fact, enables him to construct an overview as delightful to read as it is informative.

His insights often illuminate aspects of traditional Japanese culture that endure today. One of these is the appreciation of "perishability." this appreciation os seen in countless little bits of Japanese life: in temples made of wood instead of durable materials; in the preference for objects -such as pottery- that are worn, broken, or used rather than new; and in the national love of the delicate cherry blossom, which normally falls after a brief three days of flowering. Keene quotes the fourteenth-century Buddhist monk Kenko, who wrote that "the most precious thing about life is its uncertainty."

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Twój stres Michelle C. Haney, Ed Boenish . Jak nowa! /1
Nikt z nas nie jest wolny od stresu. Doświadczamy go wszyscy zawsze wtedy, gdy nasz umysł i ciało reagują na rzeczywiste bądź wyobrażone sytuacje.. Jednak same czynniki wywołujące stres nie są dla nas szkodliwe ? ważne jest to, jak na nie reagujemy. Autorzy niniejszego podręcznika sugerują, że reakcje nasze zależą od przekonań na temat własnej osoby i życia o ogóle. Odpowiedź na dane zdarzenie w postaci przeżywanych emocji (takich jak lęk, zadowolenie, złość) oraz reakcji naszego ciała (przyspieszony oddech, zwiększone tempo bicia serca czy rumieńce na policzkach) jest zatem uzależniona od tego, co myślimy i w co wierzymy. Opierając się na tym twierdzeniu autorzy proponują, aby pracę nad przeżywanym stresem i jego negatywnymi konsekwencjami rozpocząć od poznania samego siebie. Następnie podpowiadają, jak zmienić swój styl życia. Krok po kroku przedstawiają rozmaite techniki zapobiegania stresowi, których stosowanie każdego dnia pozwoli cieszyć się lepszym zdrowiem i żyć z radością..

Autor: Haney C. Michele, Boenisch Ed

Tytuł oryginalny: The Stress Owner's Manual. Meaning, Balance & Health in Your Life

Język oryginalny: angielski

Kategoria: Literatura naukowa i popularnonaukowa

Gatunek: nauki społeczne (psychologia, socjologia, itd.)

Forma: esej (szkic literacki) / zbiór esejów (szkiców)

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Miska w z wytłacznym reliefem - CELADON DYNASTIA YUAN

1279 - 1368

Niesamowita ceramika - kopia najstarszej ceramiki chińskiej – celadon – naśladujący najbardziej ceniony kamień w Chinach – nefryt - o blado seledynowej barwie nefrytu / jadeitu –z dynastii Song sprzed X wieków. Niesamowit kształt- wycinek stożka- idealna geometria- kształt jak z Bauhaus- modernistyczny. Stożek wspiera się na okrągłym pierścieniu. Jakość tej ceramiki wprawia w zdumienie- jest gładka i twarda niemal jak porcelana- symetria – proporcje – doskonałe…

Świetna artystyczna kopia wykonana według tradycyjnej technologii i oryginalnych wzorów. Dla laika nie do odróżnienia od oryginału. W Chinach tej klasy ceramika jest bardzo droga. Wykonana przez słynne manufaktury z regionu Jingdezhen – stolicy chińskiej porcelany- gdzie znajdują się tysiące małych pracowni- i duże nowoczesne fabryki – produkujące najpiękniejszą porcelanę na świecie trafiła do Polski na słynną wystawę „ Historia porcelany chińskiej od X wieku do czasów współczesnych”. Dziś niektóre eksponaty z tej wspaniałej kolekcji możecie Państwo nabyć na naszych aukcjach.

Wyboru porcelany na wystawę dokonywali wybitni specjaliści i artyści… a akceptację na udział w wystawie musieli wyrazić specjaliści z Jing De-zhen Pottery Archaeological Research Institute w Jingdezhen.

Zatem każdy przedmiot jaki prezentujemy z kolekcji wystawionej na wystawie to prawdziwe ponadczasowe dzieło sztuki.


Wysokość 6,8 cm

Średnica kołnierza 20 cm

Średnica podstawy 4,3 cm

Perełka każdej orientalnej kolekcji!!!

Miseczka posiada oryginalne opakowanie- skrzynkę obitą jedwabiem z motywami złotych smoków –a od środka złotym jedwabiem… Skrzynka miała kontakt z wilgocią i trochę pachnie wilgocią… ale jest niezwykłym dodatkiem …

Wystawa: Historia porcelany chińskiej od X wieku do czasów współczesnych

2005-10-25 (wtorek) – 2006-01-15 (niedziela)
Muzeum Archeologiczne w Poznaniu, ul. Wodna 27 - Pałac Górków

Porcelana chińska zachwyca nas swym pięknem i zarazem kruchością oraz jednoznacznie kojarzy się nawet laikowi z Państwem Środka. Wystawa jest jedną z niewielu okazji do zapoznania się z tą ciekawą dziedziną wytwórczości chińskich rzemieślników. I choć dzisiaj oceniamy przede wszystkim walory estetyczne naczyń, warto zagłębić się w ich ciekawe dzieje.

Wystawa dostępna dla zwiedzających od 25 października 2005 r. do 15 stycznia 2006 r. Na wystawę zapraszają Muzeum Archeologiczne w Poznaniu, Fundacja Patrimonium, Polsko-Chińska Fundacja Promocji Kultury i Sztuki DONG FENG.

Porcelana chińska zachwyca nas swym pięknem i zarazem kruchością oraz jednoznacznie kojarzy się nawet laikowi z Państwem Środka. Wystawa jest jedną z niewielu okazji do zapoznania się z tą ciekawą dziedziną wytwórczości chińskich rzemieślników. I choć dzisiaj oceniamy przede wszystkim walory estetyczne naczyń, warto zagłębić się w ich ciekawe dzieje.

Porcelana od wieków posiadała w Chinach wyjątkowe znaczenie pośród wszystkich artystycznych wyrobów. Produkowana była zarówno na potrzeby dworu cesarskiego i do celów ceremonialnych lub kultowych, ale również dla gospodarstw domowych do codziennego użytku. Często ze względu na swoją wartość stanowiła swego rodzaju dworską walutę służącą do kupowania stanowisk w administracji państwowej. Była także oryginalnym i cenionym instrumentem muzycznym. Dzięki tak powszechnemu wykorzystaniu na terenie Chin powstały wielkie ośrodki produkcji naczyń porcelanowych, wśród których najsławniejsze były: Hutianyao, Longquanyao, Dingyao, Yaozhuyao, Ruyao, Guanyao i Jingdezhen. Ostatni z nich za panowania Dynastii Yuan zdobył tytuł Chińskiej Stolicy Porcelany, a przedmioty pochodzące z jego pieców uznane zostały za wzór doskonałości techniki i piękna.

Większość prezentowanych eksponatów pochodzi właśnie z Chińskiej Stolicy Porcelany. W tradycyjnych chińskich gablotach można obserwować zmiany barw, wzorów zdobień i kształtów, dokonujące się na przestrzeni setek lat. Wśród wyrobów możemy podziwiać seladony o gładkich i cienkich ściankach, regularnych kształtach i wyjątkowo delikatnych brzegach z okresu Pięciu Dynastii, porcelanę Qingbai wprowadzoną za panowania Dynastii Song (960-1279), a także naczynia wykonane w okresie panowania Dynastii Yuan (1279-1368), kiedy ta wytwórczość uzyskała najwyższy poziom. Na wystawie obecna jest również porcelana z okresu tzw."Złotego Wieku" przypadającego za rządów Dynastii Qing (1644-1911), gdy nowe techniki malarstwa naszkliwnego w połączeniu z inwencją rzemieślników zaowocowały powstaniem dzieł o niespotykanych wcześniej kształtach i kolorystyce.

Wystawa to również okazja do zaprezentowania skomplikowanego procesu ich wytwarzania. Krótkie filmy towarzyszące ekspozycji zapoznają z poszczególnymi etapami produkcji i jednocześnie pokazują jak wiele wysiłku trzeba było włożyć, aby uzyskać efekt końcowy, zachwycający ludzi na całym świecie, zarówno koneserów jak i laików.

Wystawę prezentującą historię porcelany chińskiej, ukazującą dzieje i rozwój tej sztuki od X wieku do czasów współczesnych, można od środy 4 października oglądać w Muzeum Miedzi w Legnicy.

„Na przykładzie najbardziej charakterystycznych wyrobów reprezentujących wszystkie etapy rozwoju wytwórstwa porcelany w Chinach można prześledzić, jak zmieniła się technika i wzornictwo” - mówi dyrektor Muzeum Miedzi w Legnicy, Andrzej Niedzielenko.

Na wystawie, przygotowanej przez Polsko-Chińską Fundację Promocji Kultury i Sztuki Dong-Feng, zgromadzono ok. 400 eksponatów, które są wiernymi replikami oryginalnych naczyń, pochodzących z fabryk i manufaktur w Jingdezhen, miasta nazywanego światową stolicą porcelany.

Oprócz dzbanów, waz, filiżanek, czarek, talerzy, pater i przeróżnych puzderek, na legnickiej wystawie można zobaczyć tak zaskakujące przedmioty wykonane z porcelany jak stołek w formie niedużej beczki.

Prezentowane przedmioty pochodzą z okresów tzw. Pięciu Dynastii (907 -960), Dynastii Song (960-1279), Dynastii Yuan (1279 -1368), Dynastii Ming (1368-1644), Dynastii Qing (1644-1911) oraz Republiki Chińskiej (1911 do 1949).

Celadon, seladon (chiń. upr.: 青瓷; chiń. trad.: 青瓷; pinyin: qīngcí) – typ ceramiki chińskiej, charakteryzujący się grubymi ściankami i szarawym szkliwem o barwie zielonkawej z całą gamą odcieni aż do oliwkowych i szarawych. Ceramika ta produkowana była w wytwórni Longquan w prowincji Zhejiang od IX wieku. Wśród wyrobów najczęściej znajdowały się czarki i naczynia z wykonaną podszkliwnie dekoracją reliefową, wytłaczaną, rzeźbioną o wzorach przedstawiających motywy kwiatowe lub zwierzęce. Celem przyświecającym twórcom celadonu było stworzenie taniej imitacji drogiego nefrytu.

Dzięki swojej ścisłej strukturze i grubym ściankom wyroby z celadonu używane były do transportu morskiego i dotarły do odległych zakątków świata, do Egiptu i Konstantynopola. Świadectwem rozpowszechnienia celadonu jest jego pierwotna nazwa, martabani, pochodząca od birmańskiego portu Martaban.

Nazwa celadonu wywodzi się prawdopodobnie od imienia sułtana Saladyna panującego w XII w., który posiadał chińską kolekcję tej ceramiki, lub od koloru szaty Celadona, bohatera siedemnastowiecznego romansu pasterskiego Honoré d’Urfé.

Od nazwy ceramiki pochodzi nazwa jej koloru, seledynowego.


Archaeologist Wang Zhongshu states that shards with a celadon ceramic glaze have been recovered from Eastern Han Dynasty (25–220 AD) tomb excavations in Zhejiang; he also states that this type of ceramic became well known during the Three Kingdoms (220–265). According to Richard Dewar, the "true celadon", which requires a minimum 1260°C (2300°F) furnace temperature, a preferred range of 1285° to 1305°C (2345° to 2381°F), and reduced firing, originated at beginning of the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127). The unique grey or green celadon glaze is a result of iron oxide's transformation from ferric to ferrous iron (Fe2O3 → FeO) during the firing process. Longquan celadon wares, which Nigel Wood (1999) writes were first made during the Northern Song, had bluish, blue-green, and olive green glazes and high silica and alkali contents which resembled later porcelain wares made at Jingdezhen and Dehua rather than stonewares.

The term "celadon" for the pottery's pale jade-green glaze was coined by European connoisseurs of the wares. One theory is that the term first appeared in France in the 17th century and that it is named after the shepherd Celadon in Honoré d'Urfé's French pastoral romance, L'Astrée (1627), who wore pale green ribbons. (D'Urfe, in turn, borrowed his character from Ovid's Metamorphoses V.210.) Another theory is that the term is a corruption of the name of Saladin (Salah ad-Din), the Ayyubid Sultan, who in 1171 sent forty pieces of the ceramic to Nur ad-Din Zengi, Sultan of Syria. Yet a third theory is that the word derives from the Sanskrit sila and dhara, which mean "green" and "stone" respectively.

Celadon glaze refers to a family of transparent glazes, many with pronounced (and sometimes accentuated) cracks in the glaze produced in a wide variety of colors, generally used on porcelain or stoneware clay bodies. Celadon glazes have such popularity and impact that pieces made with it are often referred to as "celadons."

Celadon glazes can be produced in a variety of colors, including white, grey, blue and yellow, depending on several factors: 1) the thickness of the applied glaze, 2) the type of clay to which it is applied, and 3) the exact makeup of the glaze. However, the most famous shades range in color from a very pale green to deep intense green, often meaning to mimic the green shades of jade. The color is produced by iron oxide in the glaze recipe or clay body. Celadon are almost exclusively fired in a reducing atmosphere kiln as the chemical changes in the iron oxide which accompany depriving it of free oxygen are what produce the desired colors. As with most glazes, crazing (a glaze defect) can occur in the glaze and, if the characteristic is desirable, is referred to as "crackle" glaze.

The Longquan kiln sites in China were especially well-known internationally. Large quantities of Longquan celadon was exported throughout East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East in 13th-15th century. Large celadon dishes were especially welcomed in Islamic nations.

Some of the world's most coveted and admired masterpieces of ceramics art were produced in Korea during the Goryeo and Joseon dynasties. An inlaid celadon technique known as "Sanggam", where potters would engrave semi-dried pottery with designs and place black or white clay materials within the engraving, was invented in Korea during this time.

"Korean celadon" is often referred to as "Goryeo celadon," which is usually a pale green-blue in color. The glaze was developed and refined during the 10th and 11th centuries during the Goryeo period, from which it derives its name. Korean celadon reached its zenith between the 12th and early 13th centuries, however, the Mongol invasions of Korea in the 13th century and persecution by the Joseon Dynasty government destroyed the craft.

Traditional Korean celadon ware has distinctive decorative elements. The most distinctive are decorated by overlaying glaze on contrasting clay bodies. With inlaid designs, known as "Sanggam" in Korean, small pieces of colored clay are inlaid in the base clay. Carved or slip-carved designs require layers of a different colored clay adhered to the base clay of the piece. The layers are then carved away to reveal the varying colors. Modern potters, with modern materials and tools, have attempted to recreate Korean celadon techniques.

Since about 1420 the Counts of Katzenelnbogen have owned the oldest European import of celadon, exhibited in Kassel in the Landesmuseum.


1279 - 1368

By the mid-thirteenth century, the Mongols had subjugated north China, Korea, and the Muslim kingdoms of Central Asia and had twice penetrated Europe. With the resources of his vast empire, Kublai Khan (1215-94), a grandson of Genghis Khan (1167?-1227) and the supreme leader of all Mongol tribes, began his drive against the Southern Song. Even before the extinction of the Song dynasty, Kublai Khan had established the first alien dynasty to rule all China - the Yuan (1279-1368).

Although the Mongols sought to govern China through traditional institutions, using Chinese (Han) bureaucrats, they were not up to the task. The Han were discriminated against socially and politically. All important central and regional posts were monopolized by Mongols, who also preferred employing non-Chinese from other parts of the Mongol domain - Central Asia, the Middle East, and even Europe - in those positions for which no Mongol could be found. Chinese were more often employed in non-Chinese regions of the empire.

As in other periods of alien dynastic rule of China, a rich cultural diversity developed during the Yuan dynasty. The major cultural achievements were the development of drama and the novel and the increased use of the written vernacular. The Mongols' extensive West Asian and European contacts produced a fair amount of cultural exchange. Western musical instruments were introduced to enrich the Chinese performing arts.

From this period dates the conversion to Islam, by Muslims of Central Asia, of growing numbers of Chinese in the northwest and southwest. Nestorianism and Roman Catholicism also enjoyed a period of toleration. Lamaism (Tibetan Buddhism) flourished, although native Taoism endured Mongol persecutions. Confucian governmental practices and examinations based on the Classics, which had fallen into disuse in north China during the period of disunity, were reinstated by the Mongols in the hope of maintaining order over Han society. Advances were realized in the fields of travel literature, cartography and geography, and scientific education. Certain key Chinese innovations, such as printing techniques, porcelain production, playing cards, and medical literature, were introduced in Europe, while the production of thin glass and cloisonné became popular in China.

The first records of travel by Westerners date from this time. The most famous traveler of the period was the Venetian Marco Polo, whose account of his trip to "Cambaluc," the Great Khan's capital (now Beijing), and of life there astounded the people of Europe.

The Mongols undertook extensive public works. Road and water communications were reorganized and improved. To provide against possible famines, granaries were ordered built throughout the empire. The city of Beijing was rebuilt with new palace grounds that included artificial lakes, hills and mountains, and parks. During the Yuan period, Beijing became the terminus of the Grand Canal, which was completely renovated. These commercially oriented improvements encouraged overland as well as maritime commerce throughout Asia and facilitated the first direct Chinese contacts with Europe.

Chinese and Mongol travelers to the West were able to provide assistance in such areas as hydraulic engineering, while bringing back to the Middle Kingdom new scientific discoveries and architectural innovations. Contacts with the West also brought the introduction to China of a major new food crop - sorghum - along with other foreign food products and methods of preparation.

Rivalry among the Mongol imperial heirs, natural disasters, and numerous peasant uprisings led to the collapse of the Yuan dynasty in 1368.

Jesteśmy zaszczyceni, że ta wspaniała kolekcja została powierzona przez Fundację właśnie nam do sprzedaży. Możemy udostępnić kontakt w celu zakupu tej wspaniałej porcelany bezpośrednio w fabrykach – a także zapewniamy pomoc w organizacji wyprawy do Jingdezhen – stolicy chińskiej porcelany.

Każdy eksponat tej wystawy ma certyfikat Jing De-zhen Pottery Archaeological Research Institute, established with the approval of people' s government of Jiangxi Province in June of 1989. It was set up in the national major historical and cultural sites under state protection --Collect getting it in the private residence auspiciously, is divided into the office , the exhibition hall of archaeological materials, archaeological operating room of field. It is specialized agency that study JingDezhen relic and Jing De-zhen ceramic developing history.

This research institute, to the tenth century within the territory of Jing De-zhen --Ancient chinaware kiln ruins carry on overall investigation the 17th century, for cooperate with city capital construction explore and clear up the rescueing to kiln ruins , officer of Pearl Mountain ,. Is it bury unelected place of tribute to find among kiln ruins, officer of Pearl Mountain , since 1982, through exploring meticulously and repair day and night , got thousands of and counted the rare prize treasure. Because of kiln location unearthed thing, therefore times reliable, category abundant, scientific value the highest, become the most authoritative scales of division of history into periods of collector, appreciator, offer the most reliable treasure historical data to culture historian.

The research results of this research institute attract worldwide attention, since 1989, it has been invited nine times successively to go to Britain , Japan , Hong Kong, and Taiwan ,etc. to hold the exhibitions and publish " the kiln porcelain of unearthed officer Yongle and Xuan De of Pearl Mountain of Jing De-zhen ", " the excavated pottery in Jing De-zhen ", " become the kiln and offer as a gift and value highly ", " the emperor's porcelain ", " become acting officer's kiln and rebuild ", " the bright officer's kiln porcelain of the beginning is excavated in Jing De-zhen ", " Jing De-zhen unearthed kiln porcelain , officer of De , Xuan " , " Jing De-zhen excavate yuans of Ming officer kiln porcelain " large-scale academic antique catalogue.

In 1997, research institute this selected and recommended showpiece to participate in " national great archaeological discovery report exhibition in recent years " that hold by the national Ministry of Culture in Beijing. In 1999, this archaeological achievement of research institute was selected into the large-scale antique catalogue of " great archaeological discovery of the People's Republic of China ".


Słuchawki nauszne GOJI TINCHY STRYDER czarne

Perfect for travel, feel your music on the go and in comfort with the Goji Tinchy Stryder Headphones. Supreme sound

Endorsed by renowned hip hop artist Tinchy Stryder, make the most of stunning sound on the go with these Goji Tinchy Stereo Headphones.

With neodymium drivers, you will be able to extract great depths of sound from your audio, making the most of your tunes. The closed-cup design means that you can block out outside noise and won't disturb people around you.

A 40 mm speaker diameter ensures you can enjoy a broad range of beats with stunning playback and receive passive noise cancelling benefits in a leather covered on-ear style.

Fantastically functional

These good looking black Tinchy GTONBLK14 Headphones are foldable and adjustable, taking up less space when not in use.

Carrying your headphones and protecting them is made much easier with a carry case for you to fold the headphones into for a perfect storage option.

These headphones are adjustable, meaning you can ensure comfort on the go with this slick, glossy design.

Their in-line microphone and controls make them perfect for supporting your busy mobile life. You'll be able to adjust the volume as well as answer calls with no fuss.

Effortless use

Make the most of exciting audio as these Tinchy Stryder Headphones offer comfortable use with ultra soft breathable cushioned ear cups that provide comfort and reduce noise interference.

With a premium rubberised 1.2 metre cable, the likelihood of tangles is substantially reduced, making your headphones all the more enjoyable to use with any 3.5 mm headphone socket.

With the superstar looks at an impressive price, make the most of the music with the Goji Tinchy GTONBLK14 Headphones. Technical specifications for GOJI TINCHY STRYDER Headphones - Black OVERVIEW Type On-ear Colour Black DESIGN FEATURES Foldable Yes Adjustable headband Yes Acoustic system Closed Single-sided cable Yes Detachable cable Yes Cable length 1.2 m CONNECTIVITY Jack Gold-plated 3.5 mm jack Bluetooth No NOISE REDUCTION Passive noise-isolating Yes Active noise-cancelling No CONTROLS Microphone Yes Volume control Yes Remote control Yes Control compatibility All smartphones Control positioning In-line SOUND FEATURES Driver type Neodymium drivers Speaker diameter 40 mm Frequency response 20 - 20,000 Hz Impedance 36 Ohms Sensitivity 102 dB EARPADS & EARBUDS Earpad / ear tip covering material Leather GENERAL Box contents - Goji STRYDER Headphones
- Carry case Weight 198 g

słuchawki mogą posiadać ślady użytkowania , drobne ryski.

sprzęt powystawowy, kompletny i sprawny.


tanio super winyle sztuka albo calosc 60 szt
Prodigy-music for the jilted generation 2008 xllpii4

Depeche mode-shake the disease special edition 1985 l12bong8

Depeche mode-a question of time-1986-12bong12

Depeche mode-see you-extended version-1982-12mute018

Depeche mode-it's called a heart-extended-1985-etum-808

Depeche mode-master & servant-1984-12bong6

Depeche mode-the meaning of love -1987-int 126.805,‎– mute 022 rarytas

Depeche mode-precious-2005-12bong35

Depeche mode-strangelove-1987-12bong13

Depeche mode-i feel loved-2001-12bong31

Depeche mode-blasphemous rumours-1984-12bong7

Depeche mode-a question of time-1986-l12bong12

Maanam-nocny patrol-1884-lpp007


Maanam-mental cut sx2221

Maanam-mental cut sx2221

Maanam-the best of-1986-lp095 rarytas

Depeche mode-never let me down again-1987-12bong14

Depeche mode-world in my eyes-1990-12bong20

Depeche mode-people are people-1984-12bong5

Depeche mode-master and servant-1984-l12bong6 rarytas

Depeche mode-shake the disease-1985-12bong8

Depeche mode-get the balance right-1982-12bong2

Depeche mode-heaven-2013-columbia ‎– 887 - pokaż numer telefonu -
1 1 igła

Depeche mode-music for the masses-2014-stumm47 igła

Depeche mode-delta machine- 201 - pokaż numer telefonu -
460631 columbia igła

Depeche mode-violator-2007-dmlp7-igła

Depeche mode-sounds of the universe-2009-stumm300 igła

Depeche mode-exciter-2007-wba 123 - pokaż numer telefonu -

Depeche mode-stripped-tonpress

David guetta-listen- 201 - pokaż numer telefonu -
461 - pokaż numer telefonu -
7 nowa

Jean michel jarre-the concerts in china

Jean michel jarre-les chants magnetiques- 198 - pokaż numer telefonu -

Jean michel jarre-zoolook- 198 - pokaż numer telefonu -

Jean michel jarre-oxygene

Depeche mode- 101 - pokaż numer telefonu -

Depeche mode-everything counts-1983-12 bong3

Depeche mode-new life-1981-12mute014

Depeche mode-black celebration-tonpress

Depeche mode-should be higher- 201 - pokaż numer telefonu -

Massive attack-blue lines : 2012 mix/master-box 2 × vinyl, lp, 180g 

cd ,dvd, dvd-video, 96khz/24bit  wbrcdx1 igła

The chemical brothers-further- 201 - pokaż numer telefonu -
01 igła

Pink floyd-the division bell- 199 - pokaż numer telefonu -

Jean michel jarre-oxygene- 197 - pokaż numer telefonu -

Marek biliński-ogród króla świtu-1983-lp053

Moby ‎– new york, new york-2006-xxl12mute371 igła

Moby destroyed-2011-2 lp+cd+plakat

Jean michel jarre-oxygene

Jean michel jarre-equinoxe

Jean michel jarre-equinoxe

Jean michel jarre-the concerts in china-1982-dlp 261 - pokaż numer telefonu -

Franek kimono- 201 - pokaż numer telefonu -

Polish jazz-astigmatic music of komeda-2013-xl0298

The doors-other voices-1971-elk42104

Joy division-closer-2015-warner records

Blank jones ft anne clark-the hardest heart remixes-2002- gg 065r1


Fatboy slim-better living through chemistry-2010-movlp111/ 886 - pokaż numer telefonu -

Fatboy slim-halfway between the gutter and the stars-2010-movlp131

Backstreet Boys-Millenium i inne
Millenium Cena 35 zł

Lista utworów

1 Larger Than Life 3:53

2 I Want It That Way 3:34

3 Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely 3:56

4 It's Gotta Be You 2:58

5 I Need You Tonight 4:24

6 Don't Want You Back 3:27

7 Don't Wanna Lose You Now 3:56

8 The One 3:47

9 Back to Your Heart 4:21

10 Spanish Eyes 3:56

11 No One Else Comes Close 3:44

12 The Perfect Fan 4:14

13 I'll Be There for You 4:34

Unbrakable Cena 40 zł

Lista utworów

1 Intro 0:59

2 Everything But Mine 4:07

3 Inconsolable 3:38

4 Something That I Already Know 3:30

5 Helpless When She Smiles 4:06

6 Any Other Way 3:24

7 One In A Million 3:33

8 Panic 2:55

9 You Can Let Go 3:33

10 Trouble Is 3:33

11 Treat Me Right 4:10

12 Love Will Keep You Up All Night 4:15

13 Unmistakable 3:49

14 Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon 3:22

15 Downpour 3:21

16 In Pieces 3:42

17 Nowhere To Go 2:48

Black&Blue Cena 35 zł

Lista utworów

1 The Call 3:24

2 Shape Of My Heart 3:50

3 Get Another Boyfriend 3:05

4 Shining Star 3:22

5 I Promise You (With Everything I Am) 4:23

6 The Answer To Our Life 3:18

7 Everyone 3:30

8 More Than That 3:44

9 Time 3:55

10 Not For Me 3:15

11 Yes I Will 3:50

12 It's True 4:13

13 How Did I Fall In Love With You 4:04

Wszystkie płyty ofoliowane.

Backstreet Boys Single UNIKATY
Witam, mam do sprzedania single Backstreet Boys, są w świetnym stanie, niektóre to unikaty :) jest możliwość negocjacji, bardzo zachęcam do kupna ;)


1. We've Got It Goin' On:

*żółto - czerwony tytuł - 3 zł

*niebieski pasek na górze - 4 zł

2. I'll Never Break Your Heart

*żółto - czerwony tytuł - 3 zł

*szara okładka - 7 zł

3. Get Down:

*jewelcase niebieska - 4 zł,

*Remixes żółta - 13 zł,

*digipack - 15 zł,

4. Quit Playin' Games (With My Heart):

*napis w czerwonej ramce, lepszy stan - 3 zł,

*napis w czerwonej ramce, gorszy stan - 2 zł,

*napis w żółtej ramce - 4 zł

*czarno - różowa - 6 zł

5. Anywhere For You:

*papierowe, lepszy stan - 8 zł,

*papierowe, gorszy stan - 4 zł,

*jewelcase - 6 zł,

1. Everybody:

*5 zł

2. As Long As You Love Me:

*jewelcase - 5 zł

*papierowe - 13 zł

4. All I Have to Give:

*naklejka z hologramem - 6 zł

*biała okładka - 9 zł

1. I Want It That Way:

*jewelcase, lepszy stan - 5 zł,

*jewelcase, gorszy stan - 3 zł,

*Promo - 24 zł,

2. Larger Than Life:

*6 zł,

3. Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely:

*jewelcase - 5 zł,

*Promo - 24 zł,

4. The One:

*5 zł,

1. Shape of My Heart:

*7 zł,

2. The Call:

*jewelcase - 9 zł,

*Remixes - 14 zł,

*płyta winylowa - 24 zł,

3. More Than That:

*9 zł,

4. Drowning:

*jewelcase - 9 zł,

*limit. edycja z plakatem - 22 zł

1. Incomplete:

*CD1 - 19zł

*enhanced cd - 24 zł

*Promo - 24 zł

2. I Still:

*wersja japońska - 69 zł

3. Inconsolable:

*29 zł

4. Helpless When She Smiles:

*Promo - 29 zł

5. Straight Through My Heart:

*29 zł


Hugh Aldersey-Williams Periodic Tales
Hugh Aldersey-Williams

Periodic Tales

Opis: The phenomenal ''Sunday Times'' bestseller ''Periodic Tales'' by Hugh Andersey-Williams, packed with fascinating stories and unexpected information about the building blocks of our universe. Everything in the universe is made of them, including you. Like you, the elements have personalities, attitudes, talents, shortcomings, stories rich with meaning. Here you'll meet iron that rains from the heavens and noble gases that light the way to vice. You'll learn how lead can tell your future while zinc may one day line your coffin. You'll discover what connects the bones in your body with the Whitehouse in Washington, the glow of a streetlamp with the salt on your dinner table. Unlocking their astonishing secrets and colourful pasts, ''Periodic Tales'' is a voyage of wonder and discovery, showing that their stories are our stories, and their lives are inextricable from our own. ''Science writing at its best. A fascinating and beautiful literary anthology, bringing them to life as personalities. If only chemistry had been like this at school. A rich compilation of delicious tales''. (Matt Ridley, ''Prospect''). ''A love letter to the chemical elements.Aldersey-Williams is full of good stories and he knows how to tell them well''. (''Sunday Telegraph''). ''Great fun to read and an endless fund of unlikely and improbable anecdotes''. (''Financial Times''). ''The history, science, art, literature and everyday applications of all the elements from aluminium to zinc''. (''The Times''). Hugh Aldersey-Williams studied natural sciences at Cambridge. He is the author of several books exploring science, design and architecture and has curated exhibitions at the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Wellcome Collection. He lives in Norfolk with his wife and son.

Stan: bardzo dobry

Jezyk: angielski

Paulo Coelho - By the river Piedra I sat down and wept
Przedmiotem aukcji jest anglojęzyczna książeczka znanego autora Paulo Coelho.

The story of an independent young woman whose life is changed forever by a chance encounter with a childhood friend. A magical blend of compelling action, exotic locations and intriguing characters, told with Paulo’s characteristic power and insight.

Pilar is an independent and practical young woman who is feeling bored and frustrated by the daily grind of her university life. Looking for a deeper meaning to her existence, she happens to meet an old childhood friend, now a handsome, mesmerizing spiritual teacher – and a rumoured miracle worker. As he leads her on a magical journey through the Fench Pyrenees, Pilar begins to realize that this chance encounter is going to transform her life forever.

With Paulo’s trademark blend of mysticism, magical realism and folklore, Pilar’s story is a poignant and deeply inspiring tale.

Możliwość wysyłki.

depeche mode winyle RARYTASY
Depeche mode-shake the disease special edition 1985 l12bong8

Depeche mode-a question of time-1986-12bong12

Depeche mode-see you-extended version-1982-12mute018

Depeche mode-it's called a heart-extended-1985-etum-808

Depeche mode-master & servant-1984-12bong6

Depeche mode-the meaning of love -1987-int 126.805,‎– mute 022 rarytas

Depeche mode-precious-2005-12bong35

Depeche mode-strangelove-1987-12bong13

Depeche mode-i feel loved-2001-12bong31

Depeche mode-blasphemous rumours-1984-12bong7

Depeche mode-a question of time-1986-l12bong12

Depeche mode-never let me down again-1987-12bong14

Depeche mode-world in my eyes-1990-12bong20

Depeche mode-people are people-1984-12bong5

Depeche mode-master and servant-1984-l12bong6 rarytas

Depeche mode-shake the disease-1985-12bong8

Depeche mode-get the balance right-1982-12bong2

Depeche mode-heaven-2013-columbia ‎– 887 - pokaż numer telefonu -
1 1 igła

Depeche mode-music for the masses-2014-stumm47 igła

Depeche mode-delta machine- 201 - pokaż numer telefonu -
460631 columbia igła

Depeche mode-violator-2007-dmlp7-igła

Depeche mode-sounds of the universe-2009-stumm300 igła

Depeche mode-exciter-2007-wba 123 - pokaż numer telefonu -

Depeche mode-stripped-tonpress

Depeche mode- 101 - pokaż numer telefonu -

Depeche mode-everything counts-1983-12 bong3

Depeche mode-new life-1981-12mute014

Depeche mode-black celebration-tonpress

Depeche mode-should be higher- 201 - pokaż numer telefonu -

cena rózni się w zależnosci od rzadkości albumu

stan 9/10

One Day - Jeden Dzień - David Nicholls
Książka nowa. Wydanie angielskie.

It’s 1988 and Dexter Mayhew and Emma Morley have only just met on the night of their graduation. Tomorrow they must go their separate ways. But after only one day together, they cannot stop thinking about one another.

Over twenty years, snapshots of that relationship are revealed on the same day—July 15th—of each year. Dex and Em face squabbles and fights, hopes and missed opportunities, laughter and tears. And as the true meaning of this one crucial day is revealed, they must come to grips with the nature of love and life itself.

atb Future Memories / 2 CD / 2 płyty
Track Listings

Disc: 1

1. L.A. Nights

2. What About Us

3. Swept Away

4. A New Day

5. My Everything

6. Summervibes with 9PM

7. Gravity

8. Luminescence

9. Behind

10. Future Memories

11. Still Here

12. My Saving Grace

13. Terra 260273

14. Communicate

Disc: 2

1. Talismanic

2. Missing

3. Horizon

4. Voices

5. Behind [ATB's Ambient Version]

6. Authemtic Reaction

7. Careless

8. Twilight

9. Listen to Me

10. Living Life Over

11. Silent Meaning

12. Malibu Road

Mystic Places - Tajemnicze Mistyczne Miejsca -
Mystic Places - Mysteries of the Unknown - Time Life Books

Książka w bardzo dobrym stanie

Liczba stron: 160( kolorowe zdjęcia i obrazki)

Język: Angielski

Wymiary: 28,3 x 23,5 cm

Just the cover alone of this books makes my forehead tingle. I used to have a recurring dream, that featured a pyramid, ziggurat or obelisk, with a brilliant bright light shining from behind it. Instead of an eye though, there was a number which was either pure good or pure evil.

But, I digress. This Time-Life Books classic is chock full of glossy pages full of photographs and drawings of mystical locations. The non-image portion of the book makes for an interesting read, outlining the lives of archeologists and scientists who studied the mystic places covered in this book.

A random excerpt:

"The animal figure, which seems to float upside down over the man's head, is said to be a mountain lion imbued with great power from the Mojave's creator god; it was palced there to weaken the giat's spirit."

Table of Contents:

Essay: Paradise Lost

Chapter 1: Atlantis - The Eternal Quest

Essay: Realm of Unfathomed Mysteries

Chapter 2: Secrets of the Great Pyramid

Essay: The Stone Sentinals

Chapter 3: The Meaning of the Megaliths

Essay: Along the Leys

Chapter 4: Pictures on the Earth

Essay: Glyphs for the Gods

Chapter 5: An Interior World

Mystic Places - Mysteries of the Unknown - Time Life Books

This book is in good condition. The covers are scuffed up a bit,and the first 15 pages have the binding exposed, but besides from that the book is in very good solid condition. Copyright and printed in 1987. Approximately 11" by 9", 160 pages.

Możliwość wysyłki: list ekonomiczny 6zł

Gorąco polecam


667 - pokaż numer telefonu -


the $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau
In The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau shows you how to lead of life of adventure, meaning and purpose – and earn a good living.

Still in his early thirties, Chris is on the verge of completing a tour of every country on earth – he’s already visited more than 175 nations – and yet he’s never held a “real job” or earned a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back.






    Copyright 2003. Życie polega głównie na tym, żeby znaleźć się na czas tam, gdzie cię oczekują.